【Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare】Starting from July 1st, 2024 A new policy providing 6 additional “Pediatric Development Screening Services” has been implemented, which utilizes standardized screening tools to identify key developmental issues
Author:Webmanager Date:2025-02-05“Pediatric Development Screening (PeDS)” is aimed at children aged 0 to 6 years (under 7 years), a crucial period for their development, especially before the age of 3 years, which is a key golden period for intervention. To implement President Lai’s healthcare policy for Taiwan, which focuses on the “Comprehensive Optimization of Pediatric and Adolescent Healthcare,” Minister Chiu of Ministry Health and Welfare, has been actively promoting improvements in child healthcare. From July 1, 2024, an additional 6 sessions of development screening for children under 7 years of age has been implemented. These screenings will be carried out by physicians trained with standardized screening tools, enabling children to grow with proper healthcare and family support. For parents to fully understand the “golden period” of 0 to 6 years of age, the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) along with Taiwan Pediatric Association, the Taiwan Family Medicine Association, and the Optimized Pediatric Healthcare Program Coordination and Management Center are working together to advocate for the importance of early screening, early detection, and emphasizing the need for early intervention.
Through standardized screening tools – implement child monitoring, screening and assessment
According to the U.S. CDC recommendations, to monitor and detect developmental issues early, collaboration between healthcare professionals and parents is essential for monitoring, screening and assessment, the three key stages of child development are as follows:
1. Monitoring: Parents should use the children’s health handbook to observe and record their child’s developmental milestones.
2. Screening: Trained healthcare professionals will conduct the screening. If developmental delays are suspected, the child will be referred to the next stage.
3. Assessment: Through educational guidance, follow-up and referral to Child Development Joint Assessment Center or local government hospital, the child will undergo a further assessment and diagnosis.
To enhance the screening process, the HPA has developed a localized child development screening model, based on U.S. CDC guidelines and domestic expert recommendations, and a standardized screening tool has been developed for use by trained pediatric and family physicians to provide 6 additional pediatric development screening services, which will focus on four major developmental domains: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language and cognition, and social development.
Director Chen of the Early Intervention and Assessment Center at Mackay Memorial Hospital, shared a case of a 3-year-old child, who initially came to the hospital with emotional problems. After undergoing the pediatric development screening, it was revealed that the main issue was delayed motor skills and not emotional disorder. His emotional difficulties were linked to his lack of motor ability. Dr. Chen emphasized the importance of comprehensive child development screening to identify the real issue.
Improve children’s medical care! Parents remember bring your child’s “Health Insurance Card” and “Children’s Health Handbook”
To provide comprehensive child development screening services, starting from July 1, 2024, eligible children under 7 years of age can receive the screening services at nearby healthcare institutions, based on the screening schedule. Parents or caregivers should bring their child’s Health Insurance Card and Children’s Health Handbook to the appointment.
Common Questions:
When should my child be screened?
Children with National Health Insurance status can receive up to 6 government-subsidized pediatric screening services, each at 6-10 months, 10 months to 1 year 6 months, 1 year 6 months to 2 years, 2-3 years, 3-5 years, and 5 to under 7 years. The screening can also be received in conjunction with Children’s preventive healthcare services.
What should parents bring the necessary documents?
Similar to children’s preventive healthcare services, parents must bring the Health Insurance Card and Children’s Health Handbook. If you have an old version of the handbook, you may obtain a “Pediatric Development Screening Certificate Card” (green record card) during the first screening, which can be attached to the handbook by the screening healthcare institution. If you have the new version of the handbook, the record is already included in it.
Data URL link:https://www.hpa.gov.tw/EngPages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=1052&pid=18719