

Our hospital is located at the northern end of Kaohsiung City. It is the only military hospital from the south of Taichung to the north of Zuoying. The Psychiatric Department of our hospital was established in 2007 and must take the responsibility of taking care of the mental health of the soldiers in the area. Since the establishment of the psychiatric ward in 2009, more resources have been available to deal with the psychological problems of military officers and soldiers.

In the future, we hope to provide more complete medical care to military and civilian patients.

Jiun-Hsiung, Chen, Associate Director&&General Psychiatry
Geriatric Psychiatry
Chien-Fa, Wang, MD&&General PsychiatryMore
Jiun-Hsiung, Chen, Associate Director&&General Psychiatry
Geriatric Psychiatry
Chien-Fa, Wang, MD&&General PsychiatryMore