
Physical Rehabilitation

The Rehabilitation Department of our hospital provides related outpatient examinations such as “physical therapy”, “occupational therapy”, “speech therapy” and “early intervention and child development joint assessment “. Physical methods used in physical therapy include exercise ,manual , heat therapy, electrotherapy, ultrasound, traction, massage, etc. Speech therapy uses courses and activities designed by therapists to help patient with communication or swallowing impairments improve communication skills, language understanding/expression, voice performance or swallowing function to improve and enhance the overall quality of life. Occupational therapy involves an occupational therapist conducting activity analysis and designing therapeutic activities to enhance the patient’s sensory-motor function (including fine motor and sensory integration), social interaction and cognitive abilities, thereby improving the quality of life and learning.

  • Point of contact:07-6250919#1834
Chun-Yi, LEE&&Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injection
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Botulinum toxin injection
Rehabilitation for disease of central and peripheral nervous system
Rehabilitation for disease of musculoskeletal and arthropathy
Early intervention
CHIA-SHO-YANG&&CHIA-SHO-YANG is a physiatrist, with a special interest in musculoskeletal medicine, spine care and geriatric rehabilitation.More
Chun-Yi, LEE&&Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and ultrasound-guided injection
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Botulinum toxin injection
Rehabilitation for disease of central and peripheral nervous system
Rehabilitation for disease of musculoskeletal and arthropathy
Early intervention
CHIA-SHO-YANG&&CHIA-SHO-YANG is a physiatrist, with a special interest in musculoskeletal medicine, spine care and geriatric rehabilitation.More