
Pain Management

Chiau-Ju, Li&&Spine, pain, brain specialist
Spondylolisthesis, bone spur, disc herniation
Osteoporosis, sciatica
Dizziness, headache, low back pain, cervical pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness and weakness in hands and feet
Concussion, traumatic brain injury, stroke, cerebrovascular disease
Spine, minimally invasive, endoscopic surgery
Bone cement grouting vertebroplasty surgery (balloon, Spine-jack)
High-frequency thermocoagulation therapy, nerve block, growth factor injection (PRP, amniotic membrane matrix, frozen crystal)
Pituitary gland surgery
minimally invasive brain surgery
Cervical artificial disc surgery
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Chih-Chuan, Hsieh&&Cerebrovascular disease
Brain tumor surgery and treatment
Spinal tumors and minimally invasive spine surgery
Head Trauma and Spinal Cord Injury Surgery
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in neurological diseases
Neurocritical medical care
Pei-En, Hung&&Chronic low back pain, spinal high-frequency thermocoagulation therapy, osteoporosis
Head trauma, stroke, hydrocephalus, peripheral nerve surgery
Trigeminal neuralgia and facial nerve spasm, cervical nerve surgery
Spinal bone cement grouting surgery, minimally invasive disc herniation surgery
Chiau-Ju, Li&&Spine, pain, brain specialist
Spondylolisthesis, bone spur, disc herniation
Osteoporosis, sciatica
Dizziness, headache, low back pain, cervical pain, shoulder and neck pain, numbness and weakness in hands and feet
Concussion, traumatic brain injury, stroke, cerebrovascular disease
Spine, minimally invasive, endoscopic surgery
Bone cement grouting vertebroplasty surgery (balloon, Spine-jack)
High-frequency thermocoagulation therapy, nerve block, growth factor injection (PRP, amniotic membrane matrix, frozen crystal)
Pituitary gland surgery
minimally invasive brain surgery
Cervical artificial disc surgery
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Chih-Chuan, Hsieh&&Cerebrovascular disease
Brain tumor surgery and treatment
Spinal tumors and minimally invasive spine surgery
Head Trauma and Spinal Cord Injury Surgery
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in neurological diseases
Neurocritical medical care
Pei-En, Hung&&Chronic low back pain, spinal high-frequency thermocoagulation therapy, osteoporosis
Head trauma, stroke, hydrocephalus, peripheral nerve surgery
Trigeminal neuralgia and facial nerve spasm, cervical nerve surgery
Spinal bone cement grouting surgery, minimally invasive disc herniation surgery